Sources of inspiration.

Why You Should Use Virtual Reality For Soft Skills Training

Why You Should Use Virtual Reality For Soft Skills Training

Kelle Campbell | E Learning industry | Employees often enter the workplace without the soft skills needed to retain customers or work well with others. Virtual Reality provides an effective way for companies to address the soft skills gap.

How Companies Are Using VR to Develop Employees’ Soft Skills

How Companies Are Using VR to Develop Employees’ Soft Skills

Jeanne C. Meister | Harvard Business Review | Soft skills such as conflict resolution, teamwork, and leadership are more important than ever — but they can be tricky for employees to develop, especially as remote work makes many traditional training programs untenable. Without access to in-person education, what can businesses do to help their people develop these vital skills?

Is VR the Future of Corporate Training?

Is VR the Future of Corporate Training?

Jeremy Bailenson | Harvard Business Review | VR is increasingly being used to help train employees to do their jobs. Over the past year, especially, the Covid-19 pandemic has precipitated the need for virtual training applications. For example, VR is being used to train employees in “soft skills” to improve customer service and managerial skills.

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Fiona, Kees, Ed

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